FFIT (ffit. To view the status of a Requisition or a Purchase Order related to the contract request, use the Requisition and Purchase Orders Query Tool. Transaction Number (if applicable) Please describe your issue or question. SU Internet Procurement, also referred to as iProcurement, is used to purchase goods and services through a suite of connected systems including: Stanford’s. to get help or view your recent tickets Continue as a Guest. LAUNCH. As needed, review the demo for Contract Request Status in the SmartMart Contracts System: Learning Supplements. , ZWA. Sales and Use Tax. Purchasing and Payment Methods. Stanford Login. m. Use of this system is subject to Stanford University's rules and regulations. Phone. LOGIN HELP. iProcurement - SmartMart Catalog Suppliers. Step 1. To resolve: Select “Logout” on the top right and access the page again. Use of this system is subject to Stanford University's rules and regulations. Highlighted Solutions for SmartMart Contracts and Catalog Suppliers. Fisher Bath Clear Algicide AKA Spectrum Clear Bath Algae Inhibitor: For use at 12 drops per gallon, to keep lab water bath clear and odor-free. Description Creative Cloud for enterprise enables faculty and staff to design, share, and publish compelling content across all media and devices. Fundamentals. Select a supplier name to see details. Use in circulating baths, incubators, automatic analyzer baths, blood gas analyzer baths or other temperatureConfigure your system and order using the Dell punchout at SmartMart in Oracle iProcurement or contact the Cardinal Technology Center at the Stanford Bookstore. m. 1 “Stanford” means the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Typically not available through the catalog purchasing methods (e. For example, prefix ZWA can be from SmartMart Catalog Suppliers or Amazon Business and the prefix. Toggle navigation Search User Login. edu (select SU Internet Procurement link) SmartMart instructions. Meet representatives from Stanford Travel booking channels, airlines, local hotels and other travel partners. Purchase Order Process. stanford. 1. Select SU Internet Procurement; Click SmartMart Catalog Suppliers icon; Go to Favorites tab on the center of the page; Click Add New; Select Top Level Shared Folder; Name the Shared folder with your department name (suggested) Create a sub-folder of a Shared folder by highlighting the Shared folder, clicking New, and selecting Subfolder of. Refer to How to: Combining Carts for more information. You must have received an email indicating a SmartMart Catalog Suppliers cart has been assigned to you. Guided Demos provide step-by-step instructions to assist users with successfully completing any task, end-to-end. More information is available on the Stanford Whole Disk Encryption site. Zoom recording and presentation slides. , Amazon Business or SmartMart Catalog Suppliers ). SmartMart instructions (or go directly to ofweb. ofweb. 2 “Contractor” means the person or entity contracting to supply goods and/or services under this Purchase Order, and includes all Contractor's sales or other agents, subcontractors, employees and distributors thereof. Below are the common categories of purchases, definitions, and links to more guidance. iProcurement - SmartMart Contracts. This page is used to manage preferences for receiving email notifications throughout the SmartMart Contracts request process. LAUNCH. The Stanford Smartsheet offering provides benefits not available to those who purchase licenses directly from Smartsheet, including: Features: Unlimited sheets, reports,. Known Issues Planned Outages Oracle Financials (ofweb) Unavailable for Maintenance Start time: July 16th 4am End time: July 16th 8am SmartMart will not be. SmartMart offers two features: Catalog Suppliers is used for purchasing goods from suppliers that have special pricing provided to Stanford. Fundamentals. Multiple SmartMart Catalog Suppliers carts can be consolidated into one iProcurement requisition. Enter to win travel-related prizes. . To ask general questions about this program, submit a UIT support request. The agreement also. Purchasing and Payment Methods. During that time, you can still submit a support request through the Stanford Services & Support portal, which is the best method to seek assistance from a support specialist. Select a supplier name to see. iProcurement - SmartMart Catalog Suppliers. SmartMart has designed fully-automated retail solutions since the early 90s. Log In. 11:30 a. OBI Financial Reporting. edu) Latest stable version: 5. As needed, review the demo for Contract Request Status in the SmartMart Contracts System: Learning Supplements. Submitting a contract. Located in the heart of Escondido Village Graduate Residences (EVGR), the EVGR Pub and Beer Garden sit beneath the EVGR Pavilion clock tower near the intersection of Serra Street and Campus Drive. Last Name. . LEARN. OBI Financial Reporting. LEARN. Preparers of iProcurement requisitions are required to complete the course to access iProcurement and its suite of systems, which includes Stanford’s Amazon Business account, SmartMart Catalog Suppliers, SmartMart Contracts, Non-Catalog Requests, and Cardinal Temps for initiating requisitions to hire temporary labor. Travel Booking – Egencia. A non-catalog purchase requisition, also called a non-catalog request, is a purchasing method through iProcurement that is used to purchase goods and services that are: Not covered by a contract. SmartMart Contracts: Stanford’s system, available in iProcurement, for initiating contract requests for transactions that require a Stanford signature, including $0 agreements. edu) any: any: any : My IT Services & IT Services (review IT Services bills/statements and place service orders) 3: n/a: n/a: Safari is not supported. The new owner of the cart can add additional lines to the cart but only if the Category Prefix is the same. At Stanford's Cosmetic and Laser Dermatology Clinic, our doctors have the trained eye and years of experience to recognize the subtleties of your skin and the significance of those seemingly harmless blemishes. Product description Product Adobe Acrobat Pro DC and Creative Cloud Vendor Adobe, Inc. A circle with a colored border representing one's progress through a lesson. iProcurement - SmartMart Contracts. LEARN. 716 Serra Street, Stanford, CA 94305. SmartMart Catalog Suppliers, accessed through iProcurement, is Stanford's online catalog ordering system that offers specially-priced products from pre-negotiated suppliers. Step 1. October 25, 2023. Stanford Bookstore Cardinal Technology Center. Expand all. 20-108I (VSC) 1651 PAGE MILL RD Stanford University, 1651 PAGE MILL ROAD, Palo Alto, CA 94304, United States: 1. SmartMart Contracts, which will be used for most purchases of goods and services that require Stanford signature, regardless of dollar amount, including zero dollar agreements. Expand all. Log In. SmartMart Contracts: When a procurement transaction requires a signed contract between the supplier and Stanford, including $0 agreements University-issued and university-paid Purchasing Cards (to make allowable purchases on behalf of the university) and Travel Cards (for buying travel and travel-related services required to conduct. Expand all. Contracts. These introductory learning materials will provide you with information on when and how to use Stanford’s SmartMart Contracts system (or contracts system). Supplier contact information. The steps are provided to create and manage shared shopping carts in SmartMart Catalog Suppliers, including creating a new shared group, create a shared cart, and locate and briefly lock a shared cart while making edits to it in SmartMart Catalog Suppliers. You can: Edit details; Move favorites to other folders; Remove favorites; Remove foldersBefore You Start. Download Firefox ESR 60. The Stanford Software Removal Tool is compatible with Windows 10. LAUNCH. International Transactions. A contract is an agreement negotiated by two or more parties. - 4:30 p. Buying computers with University funds? Configure your system and order using the Lenovo punchout at SmartMart in Oracle iProcurement. There are Guided Demos currently available in SmartMart Contracts that will help users conduct a simple and advanced search for existing contracts. Some schools and units use UIT’s Stanford University Hardware Program to purchase and manage work computers and accessories. Our stores are. to get help or see public information Skip to page content. Event Details: Thursday, February 24, 2022. This page provides SmartMart supplier contact and shipping information. Amazon Business and SmartMart Catalog Suppliers are the recommended and preferred purchasing methods at Stanford. LEARN. Authority privileges will be suspended,. The Authority Manager system will indicate that authority privileges are pending completion of the FIN-PROG-0020: Financial Stewardship Expectations course. Purchasing Card (PCard) LAUNCH. LEARN. Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the Continue button once to proceed. SERVICE). The Category Prefix can be found in the Category column of the cart line items (e. See the Stanford Administrative Guide for more information. This page is used to manage preferences for receiving email notifications throughout the SmartMart Contracts request process. While both options offer a range of products,. Contracts. The SmartMart Contracts System Process The SmartMart Contracts System Process 0 Percent Complete. Listed in Stanford SmartMart catalogue. Note: Unless specifically asked to do so, do not use this form to submit High Risk Data. Purpose and Use of Expenditure Type Codes. Invoices for purchases made through Stanford's SmartMart Catalogs are electronically sent by the supplier to Accounts Payable for payment and do not need to. Prior to submitting a contract request to Procurement Services through SmartMart Contracts: Review Topic Overview: Contracts to learn about goods and services that require a contract and the contract request process; Ensure the supplier is “active” in Stanford’s supplier database by searching in Supplier Query and Request; Ensure the. LAUNCH. 450 Broadway Street. Purchase Order Process. Main Navigation Global Search Main Content Live Chat Provide Feedback. This is a change to typical Friday business hours of 9 a. Purchase Order Process. This event has passed. Purchasing Card (PCard) LAUNCH. An upgrade to the Google Chrome browser on February 17, 2020, renders it incompatible with ordering from Amazon Business and SmartMart in Oracle Financials. Refer to UIT’s Equipment Recommendations page for docking stations, power adaptors, monitors, standard keyboards and mice, laptop locks and other workstation accessories. Financial and reporting system access will be suspended for anyone who does not complete the annual recertification by the expiration date. stanford. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Important Security Information: Logging in lets you access other protected Stanford websites with this browser, not just the website you requested. SmartMart Catalog Suppliers , which will continue to be used by schools and departments to purchase goods from suppliers that have special pricing provided to. Email. - 1:30 p. SmartMart and Amazon Business Orders; Non-catalog Purchase Requisitions / Orders. g. Get Help. Please Choose Your Country or RegionSmartMart is the world's first fully-automated drive-thru store. Welcome to 2022! For our first general meeting of the year on Thursday, February 24th we are excited to share a robust group of presenters. Before You Start. ofweb. Contracts. LAUNCH. See the Stanford Administrative Guide for more information. This page provides step-by-step instructions for searching in SmartMart Contracts for a master service agreement. Get Assistance with Buying and Paying. Reminder notifications can be set for different steps in the process and may include instructions and direct links to take further action. LAUNCH. Purchasing Policies and Guidelines. Stanford Services & Support portal Log in with SUNet ID. Contracts is used. g. Platform/Version. These steps explain how to find a SmartMart Catalog Suppliers cart assigned to you, update if needed, and learn how to consolidate two or more assigned carts into one requisition. x. m. How can we help you? You are. Select My Requisitions on the top bar; If the order has a status of In-Process, select on the status to see which approvers are still pending; If the order has a status of Approved, check status by calling the SmartMart supplier and provide the 8-digit PO number Browse the full list of SmartMart Catalog Suppliers Contact and Shipping. Attend Stanford Travel's in-person event to meet with suppliers, join Procurement Services team members for an open Q&A. LEARN. UIT Ordering Portal (PMG) (orderit. Stanford Travel consists of booking channels that, within them, feature over 50 travel partners, who provide airline, lodging and ground transportation booking. Hardware. Once you “proceed with order,” and after the order is automatically approved, you or the person you placed the order for will receive an email (from Stanford University -- Software Licensing <[email protected] SmartMart Contracts System Process . m. 11:00am - 12:00pm PST. Purchasing Policies and Guidelines. 5. Expand all. SmartMart Catalog Suppliers provides users with the ability to manage personal favorites and utilize shared favorite folders, such as Stanford Favorites, or create a personal group or shared favorite folders for a department or group's use.