Teq ulthan. Business, Economics, and Finance. Teq ulthan

Business, Economics, and FinanceTeq ulthan  Rotations: LR Buutenks + TEQ Buff Buu, LR Buutenks + Exchange Buu

Other than that and fighting TEQ enemies he's pretty lackluster imo . CryptoHoly shit teq ulthan greatly stacks both atk and defense I never noticed. But Teqhan already have guard, so if they do a decent job he will look a lot better. And since that's what almost every player is running DFE or gacha LR units at, the whole argument falls apart and we're left with Teq Godku and Int. r/DBZDokkanBattle. He becomes a good deal stronger offensively, while still retaining solid defensive capabilities. Slamming my face into a brick wall now, cheers Truth 👍”I think TEQ Ultimate Gohan has a real chance, they EZA'd STR Cooler after all. I knew he stacks Def from comments and guards all attacks. God i really wanna get vegeta because i really like the unit, but i know teq ulthan is the best pick on there for me ughhh what to doooo . With 600k+ defense if he does 2 supers. His damage is too low for crits to have a significant impact, a 15% chance to get an additional SA for a unit that has no relevant Ki links in the first place is kind of meh and 20 dodge add like less than a 5% additional dodge chance to him. He sucks these day. It looks like they stopped making new WT reward units and instead give us two copies of old reward units that are getting ezas with 20 consecutive wins. There is no free grindable card this time around. My point is that being a bad floater, especially when a unit is meant to be in slot 1, isn’t an inherent weakness. They can share 6/7 links as only revival needs to change. ago. Business, Economics, and Finance. Those screenshots of Gohan taking damage keep me awake at night. They even plague my dreams sometimes; I dream of a world where TEQ Ulthan can take damage; of events that he cannot tank in unfailingly. However when I purchased him off the banner I didn’t summon anymore and he was a very fun unit during that time. CryptoGohan = Great DEF/Average ATK Goku = Great ATK/Average DEF. They’re currently the fastest returning DFEs, reappearing only 3 months after their initial release on global. TEQ Janemba is easily the one I underestimated the most here. You're lying, DT. 109. LR Majin Vegeta. Lazy bomber @the_bomber100 Is this with the classic level 5 def equip or the new level 7 def equip? My 5 stacks teq ulthan be looking like this in the same situation (assuming bulma support obv cause she the goat) 10:56 PM · Jul 20, 2023 · 339 Views 22 Therandomuser20103 RIP Bozo (RZ Broly) • 1 yr. Cell on a 200% here is ~23 million APT. 05=332k post. Join. I used TEQ Ulthan since i do not own the Piccolo. Log In Sign Up. comment sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Skillful-Badger993 TEQ God Boys • Additional comment actions. The former 2 are respectably tanky turn 1, stack infinitely, and stack fast enough that you can scrape by with a single rotation of whis and still take next to nothing from. Teq Ulthan Teq Gogeta I never bought dupes for a unit. increased to 13. AGL Bardock. Lots of hard hitters and amazing tanks. I. Gohan Gang. This isn’t. 244K subscribers in the DBZDokkanBattle community. Can confirm, teq ulthan at 500k+ def with his guard by turn 5 with this team but with dual phy lead. teq Ulthan eza will break the sub. Morenstargazer . Posted by u/TheBamcoSpy - 174 votes and 271 commentsTeq UltHan. AlphaPanda101 • Additional comment actions. Teq ulthan may be in a 170% but with them links active he actually competes Goku provides a safe slot 1 for gohan while they help each other with links Brainiacs and cold judgement are really common in goku's ls And for revival gt duo helps out while having saiyan lineage. Support selection of matching machines and tools. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsWell, lets say you ran a double Birdku lead. 165. Lazy bomber on Twitter. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Kifameah Yoshaaa • Additional comment actions. Reply. Teq ulthan should return in the top 10 now that WT Goku provided him a team in wich he activates his links pretty consistently (6. CryptoPress J to jump to the feed. I think the main reason why some people go out of there way to proove teq ulthan is bad, is due to the stans. You put Frieza under Pikkon even though it's essentially the same team as Ginyu with a weaker leader, even though that leader is the same exact power as half the units above him while he's dealing 2-3x more damage per. ATK & DEF +50%; plus an additional ATK +59% when there is an ally whose name includes "Goku" (Youth, Captain Ginyu, Jr. r/DBZDokkanBattle. I don't like TEQ Ulthan simply because he can't be used in Pure Saiyans or Movie Bosses ESBR, How can he be the best unit in the game if I can't use them in the hardest stages in the game. The double Swordhan + Agl Kid Gohan + Str Ulthan main rotation looks juicy 🥰Business, Economics, and Finance. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight. Reply . Business, Economics, and Finance. Its ridiculous that such a horrible unit was ever given praise and hes only liked cause hes ssj4 gogeta. This Category increases drops on these events. r/DBZDokkanBattle. increased to 140. Gohan has guard. Trash Unit. Its missing the greatest of them all Teq Chadhan who needs like 12 turns to reach the same defensive levels. User account menu. oh its you idiot. . Teq Janemba in slot 1 is a very different animal from Teq Janemba in slot 3 Due to orb managing and his age, he’s best as a floater now, but he’ll still fit that role nicely. Type Ki +2, ATK +2500. Stacks 50% atk and def on super for 6 turns, was very useful for Broly. 4 of the 5 Carnival LRs has Goku in it hahahaha. But I never knew he greatly stacks both offense and defense. Great chance is 70%, high chance is 50%. Celtic1990. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Press J to jump to the feed. r/DBZDokkanBattle • my god. As of right now, I’m digging him on a siblings bond team with Gobros lead with the physical Beerus and LR Beerus And Whis as well as Phys transforming Vegeta and Agl. Press J to jump to the feed. They know teq ultimate gohan was a mistake and try to sabotage him as much as possible . If you have Goku Super Saiyan 4 AGL (with the EZA) you can go with he has lead. C. Hot Take: teq ulthan > str super 17. Reply Emilito97 Cooler Gang. Advertisement Coins. I will never forgive you! 170% and he still CAN compete with the best of the best among DFE TURs (ezas excluded) if he just get's to activate those links. r/DBZDokkanBattle. One rotation I had agl tapion and lr tapion and the other rotation was teq androids and ftp lr androids my floaters we’re ssbe vegeta, str gohan, and lr tapion . Ok so then this is a thought experiment for me to see if I'm understanding. Passive: ki+4,atk and def+240%; additional atk and def+58% for the rest of the battle after receiving an attack; gaurds against all attacks; damage received -30%; attacks are effective against all types when own HP or enemy HP is 58% or more, or when there is a MBS category enemy; launch an additional attack that has a high chance. Saiyan Warrior Race - The Saiyan Lineage - Infighter - Shocking Speed - Power Bestowed by God - Kamehameha. 3. EDIT: The appearance 1 DEF should be the same as appearance 2-3. Consists of characters who saved the day in a crucial moment. O Attacks should’ve been that if a unit survived a K. CryptoPath to Power Goku Celebration details out on Global: Only the important parts. I don't see any hate but just people sitting here and waiting for the results for the UI Shit and have fun to Comment/Post/talk about something!Dupes: Ulthan 55%, Beepan 100%, Hercule 41%, Trunks 69%, Gohan 90%, Caulifla 79%, Friend Ulthan 55%. Teq ulthan . GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. They even plague my dreams sometimes; I dream of a world where TEQ Ulthan can take damage; of events that he cannot tank in unfailingly. ago. r/DBZDokkanBattle • EZA Teq Ulthan. 5 ish mil each turn it’s so much fun (no support ofc) 0 Lalakoboldslayer · 10/6/2020 Try a Saviors team. The problem with teq gohan, isnt his wonky linkset, or his outdated damage (allthough those are small factors). Its kind of a bummer how he is the only extreme LR in. This is what most people who can't build the kinda expensive Resurrected Warriors and Extreme-TEQ teams can beat the entire event with, if you are dedicated and pray for luck. The Actual Beast here. Went to check his kit to see what's fuss about. CryptoPress J to jump to the feed. Log in4 votes and 4 comments so far on RedditTo me he seems better than TEQ Ulthan, but not better than Frieza or Gogeta Reply. His damage and turn 1 prominence has undoubtedly. So gamma 2. If you end up with Kai Goku, Ulthan and TEQ SSJ2 Gohan, you'd have 6/7, with 5Ki, and 87% support. Have been accumulating the coins slowly and never tried to purchase anyone else except the TEQ Ulthan. Which one would be more worth? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a CommentI'll be honest I don't think teq ulthan has much time left because of just how low his defense starts out because of how old he is (will still be usable if able to hide and stack up that defense but if there's no way to protect him at the beginning of the fight there isn't much tanking on his side)Hell if i have to "predict" a list of units that are considered to be better than teq ulthan BUT will age worse than him (without considering a potential eza) i would say they are: str eza cooler, str super 17, agl kale, teq pan, teq bardock, agl ginyu (much debetable at the moment but benefit of the doubt ya know), agl gamma 2TEQ Ulthan is the best TUR, maybe even the best unit. ·. However, you can get the medals to Dokkan most characters from the Heroes vs. It took forever tho, because I had to break my rotations a lot, and almost got one-shot by INT SSG Vegeta. Technical Janemba and Pikkon came out 2020 in jp as well. Only took almost 4 years since EZA's were introduced. Teq ulthan still got the defense . Lead: PHY LR Goku & Geets. Yeah, they’re talking about Int Goku and Teq Vegeta. 122. And to make it worse, unlike teq ulthan (common teq ulthan W), str kid buu needs his links and activating only 2 or 3 won't make him look nowhere as good as his "what if kid buu had a 200%" showcases. It's like comparing whether Michael Jordan or Tiger Wood is the best altehele. He shines in the Android IDBH stage since he gets an additional super after he transforms and raises attack infinitely. Ensure timely implementation and long term performance. Where you needed either Piccolo (Power Awakened) or Ulthan & Piccolo. 200% leader skull to TEQ ultimate goathan (and LR future gohan) Reply . What was one hot take in this reddit that made you look like this? for me, it's definitely TEQ Ulthan vs STR Cooler (pre eza) by AwakenedDivinePower in DBZDokkanBattle. He has so many stupid flaws, but he is absolutely a great unit to have so long as you fill his conditions. But they've just got it all. As it currently stands teq ulthan has no need to transform also beast can get infighter and shocking speed just like ulthan. DF Kid Goku. Took me a while to figure out too. I am missing a couple of DFEs but I am getting along fine. TEQ Carnival Goku + STR Goku (Untransed) -> STR Gohan + Goku & Gohan (same as above) Gohan is a monster built up, and tanks like a beast, the rest should be floaters, as TEQ Ulthan is a defensive beast if you can get him SAs, AGL Vegeta is a character who is honestly extremely underrated, he builds fast and takes double digits from most enemies. Teq ss2 was absurd when he was released,just look at the videos concerning him,2. r/DBZDokkanBattle. 22 Therandomuser20103 RIP Bozo (RZ Broly) • 1 yr. LR INT BoG Goku. r/DBZDokkanBattle • Vegeta is a teq Movie Hero. i’m considering getting the ssr force ticket because there’s a few units that I don’t have and the ones I want are Phy Beerus, Int GT Vegeta and Teq Ulthan. 2+0. Clearly Dokkan agrees because they won't even let me try. TEQ Ulthan. Sorry but i beat red zone gammas with double teq ulthan so objectively wrong . Hit the lock icon on the cards, then they appear in your box. Saviors. My 5 stacks teq ulthan be looking like this in the same situation (assuming bulma support obv cause she the goat) 10:56 PM · Jul 20, 2023. “Honestly the “Teq Gohan is overrated” joke is honestly getting old at this point Like at 1 point yeah sure you can come to conclusion he was but literally no one gasses him up hard anymore”Dokkan. For example, the lv 1 R card increases to lv 21. Got Lucky and pulled this guy! My only problem is I’m having trouble finding a good team for him and good linking partners. True Power of the Gods!Step 5: - Max Super Attack Lv. Super Buu has an average of 2 RBW orbs. Transforms when HP is 58% or more with an ally whose name. ago. Greatly raises ATK and causes supreme damage to enemy. Leader is EZA'd, friend lead is not. rotations are god goku + ulthan and carnival goku + str goku/gohan. Business, Economics, and Finance. (If you don't have teq ulthan with at least 2 dupes get teq ulthan over anyone else)Teq gohan is so Op that they'll definitely give him a soft eza. Ensure timely implementation and long term performance. So what is the best first route to choose for Super Vegito? If at or really close to 10 SA bottom right if not top left. CryptoThe time has come. Reply . The first DB era EZA card. They want you to buy stones to get the new powerful characters. I would also recommend that if you have your str goku/gohan at 79% or above to slot him in in exchange for the phy gokuHonestly by looking at how bare minimum they went with K&C eza, i kinda fear for my boy teq ulthan. Consists of characters who are part Saiyan by birth. INT Namek Goku. Your unlucky number! • 2 yr.